Wednesday, 15 January 2014

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free live chat software for website

free php chat script

Easy to use and embed, this chat software is in best working condition as relative to other fake softwares available and works in variety of platforms like php, .net ,word press ,joomla, drupal and many other technologies. 

Installation :

From the official website of the software,, just download the freichat software ,extract and save the folder containing s/w in your CMS(content management software) installed directory.
CMS can be Xampp, wamp etc or any computer program through which you are publishing or editing your website.
For Example, If you have installed wamp, freichat folder should be placed in your wamp/www/freichat.
Then the click on install button and follow the steps given on the website

Live demo of the working of s/w is available on the website .Simple chat is available free and to embed video chat, certain payment has to be done.

So,embed the free chat software in your website to give it a look of a social networking site.Many more option along with chat are available,to find out just explore the official website.


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