Tuesday 12 May 2020

How do ducks do not get wet although they stay in water ?

When you get out of the swimming pool or bathtub, you are soaking wet. Had you been a duck, you would be swimming in water and yet not look really wet. It sounds crazy, but it’s true.

The secret lies in the layer of smooth feathers, which keeps the water out and also helps the duck float. Moreover, these smart ducks make a kind of oil, which they spread on their feathers with their beaks. And since oil and water do not mix, the water just rolls off their bodies. Isn’t it a bit like having your cake and eating it too?

Ducks have their special swimming gear, like humans, but it is certainly not a lifejacket or a swimsuit. It has to do with the kind of feet they have – broad feet on which the skin stretches between the toes. The Ducks use these feet as paddles in the water. But their short legs and webbed feet are not so good for walking on land.

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Monday 11 May 2020

What is the cause of twinkling of stars?

On a clear, dark night, our eyes can see about 6,000 or so stars in the sky. They seem to twinkle or change their brightness, all the time. In fact, most of the stars are shining with a steady light. The movement of air (sometimes called turbulence) in the atmosphere of Earth causes the starlight to get slightly bent as it travels from the distant star through the atmosphere down to us on the ground. This means that some of the light reaches us directly and some gets bent slightly away. To our eyes, this makes the star seem to twinkle.

You will notice that stars closer to the horizon will appear to twinkle more than other stars. This is because there is a lot more atmosphere between you and a star near the horizon than between you and a star higher in the sky. Go out some night soon and have a look!

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Sunday 10 May 2020

What is Common history of baseball and cricket?

Baseball is often thought to have descended from cricket. They both can be traced back to England. They have common terms such as innings, umpires, runs and outs. So the connection seems very logical. Even some baseball historians think cricket is the ancestor of baseball. Both games do have a link, but it is not a parent-child link. It is more on the order of cousins. Both seem to have been brought to England by people from Flanders, but who settled in different parts of England. There each game developed separately. Cricket came from the southeast of England while baseball was played in western England. Baseball started as a children's game while Cricket was more often played by adults. Both games came to America with English immigrants. By the 1840s cricket had a following along the East Coast, particularly in Philadelphia and New York. About the same time Baseball began being organized into clubs. Up until the American Civil War cricket was more popular. After that war baseball became widely popular. Cricket is still played in places like Philadelphia.

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Saturday 9 May 2020

Where is the land of the midnight sun?

During the summer, the sun does not set above the Arctic Circle. In fact, this phenomenon is what helps to define the Arctic Circle. Like the equator, the Arctic Circle is an imaginary line. It's defined as the latitude above which the sun does not set on the day of the summer solstice (usually around June 21).

North of the Arctic Circle, periods of constant sunshine last for up to six months of the year at the North Pole. The opposite is also true for parts of the year, though. Above the Arctic Circle, the sun never rises on the day of the winter solstice (usually around December 21).

The regions with areas within or that border with Arctic Circle are called the land of the midnight sun. Examples are northernmost parts of Canada, Greenland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Alaska, and Iceland.

The Arctic Circle is the most northerly of the abstract five major circles of latitude marked on the map of Earth.

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Friday 8 May 2020

Why do people need to sleep?

Every creature needs to rest. Giraffes, little babies, elephants, dogs, cats, kids, koala bears, grandparents, moms, dads, and hippos in the jungle — they all sleep! Just like eating, sleep is necessary for survival.

Sleep gives your body a rest and allows it to prepare for the next day. It's like giving your body a mini-vacation. Sleep also gives your brain a chance to sort things out. Scientists aren't exactly sure what kinds of organizing your brain does while you sleep, but they think that sleep might be the time when the brain sorts and stores information, replaces chemicals and solves problems.

The amount of sleep a person needs depends a lot on his or her age. Babies sleep a lot — about 14 to 15 hours a day! But many older people only need about 7 or 8 hours of sleep each night.

Most kids between the ages of 5 and 12 years old are somewhere in between, needing 10 to 11 hours of sleep.

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Thursday 7 May 2020

Where do fish go when it freezes outside?


It is true that some fish can spend the winter frozen in ice and come out swimming once the ice melts. Not all fish get caught in the ice, of course. Ponds and lakes freeze from the top down, meaning that beneath the icy surface there is usually a layer of liquid water where fish swim.

But what about fish that are caught in the ice? It stands to reason that the extreme cold would damage the fish’s tissue, effectively killing it. Like all cells, fish cells contain saline or salt water. Since salt water has a lower freezing point than pure water, even when encased in ice at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit, cold-water fish are not technically frozen. Moreover, some fish contain a kind of antifreeze substance that allows them to survive very cold conditions.

Much like bears and other hibernating animals, some ice-bound fish are able to shut down basic bodily functions, slow their metabolism, and enter a dormant state. Cold but not frozen, these fish bide their time until spring when the ice disappears.

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What is Invention of Computer chip?

In 1958 and 1959, two people had the idea for an integrated circuit at almost exactly the same time. Transistors had become an everyday thing used in household devices such as radios. They affected everything from radios to phones and at the time manufacturers needed a smaller replacement for vacuum tubes. Transistors were smaller than vacuum tubes, but for some of the newest electronics, for example missile guidance, they weren't small enough. One day in July, Jack Kilby was working at Texas Instruments when it occurred to him that all parts of a circuit, not just the transistor, could be made out of silicon. At the time, nobody was putting capacitors and resistors into ICs. This would change the future and make it easier to produce and sell integrated circuits. Kilby's boss liked the idea, and told him to get to work. By September 12, Kilby had built a working model, and on February 6, Texas Instruments filed a patent. Their first "Solid Circuit" was the size of a fingertip. Meanwhile, in California, another man had the same idea. In January of 1959, Robert Noyce was working at the small Fairchild Semiconductor startup company. He also realized a whole circuit could be put into a single chip. While Kilby had worked out the details of making individual components, Noyce thought of a much better way to connect the parts. The design was called a "unitary circuit". All that detail paid off because on April 25, 1961, the patent office awarded the first patent for an integrated circuit to Robert Noyce while Kilby's application was still being analyzed. Today, both men are acknowledged as having independently conceived of the idea. Soon there were two kinds of integrated circuit: hybrid (HIC) and monolithic (MIC). Hybrids died out late in the 20th century.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

How to create Facebook page?

According to Facebook.com, Pages are for businesses, brands, organizations and public figures to share their stories and connect with people. Like profiles, Pages can be customized with stories, events and more. People who like or follow a Page can get updates in News Feed

To create a Page:

1. Go to facebook.com/pages/create.

2. Click to choose a Page type.

3. Fill out the required information.

4. Click Get Started and follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: Anyone can create a Page, but only official representatives can create a Page for an organization, business, brand or public figure.


Tuesday 5 May 2020

Where do birds go at night?

Once the Sun goes down, you probably would not see many birds at all. Unless they are nocturnal, like owls, most birds seem to disappear with the last rays of sunlight.

Most birds are diurnal, which means they're most active during the day, especially early in the morning and late in the afternoon. Like humans who are active during the day, most birds spend their nighttime hours with one goal in mind: sleep.

Birds tend to sleep in the same areas they inhabit during the day. To protect against predation, many birds will sleep in a way that enhances their security within this habitat.


Monday 4 May 2020

What is Memory card?

A memory card is a form of flash memory that is used in a range of electronic devices such as a digital camera or video game console. The memory card stores data, images, music, saved games or other computer files. Flash memory devices like this contain no moving parts so they are not easily damaged. This means that they are ideal for use in portable devices such as MP3 players, digital cameras, mobile phones etc. The amount of data memory cards can store depends on the capacity of the card. Currently (in 2017) the largest memory cards can store 1 terabyte of data.
There are many different types of memory cards, for example MultiMediaCard or CompactFlash, but the majority are SD cards or MicroSD.
As the technology improves, larger capacity cards are expected.

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