Saturday, 3 August 2013

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What makes Google glass, the most hotly anticipated Gadget!!!!

What makes Google glass, the most hotly anticipated Gadget!!!!

Wearable smart-devices represent the next phase in mobile computing. It is not an extension of your Android Smartphone or tablet, but is a whole new gadget in itself that can perform various day to day tasks, without you ever moving your hands. Google glass is a high tech and advanced Eye glasses that are powered by android OS. It can connect to internet and record videos plus it can take pictures just like your Iphone but the best thing is that you only need wear it like sunglasses. This glass control via voice commands just like "Ok” represent Enter button on a pc. In addition this glass got GPS (global positioned system) that can help user to find where they need to go. Google glass uses Wi-Fi as band.


Some cool features of Google glass one must know…..



Record videos and Take pictures

Make videos and take pictures of any of your trip, party or anything you like by just ordering the glass to do so. No need to touch the hardware or anything .All your pictures and videos are stored in a 4 GB flash memory of the device. The device also enables you to mail them or share the videos and photos on any social networking site of your choice.


Keep a track of your text messages and mails on the Go!!

The glass will show you your text messages and emails received anytime as per need and you can reply to those via voice commands, No writing/typing needed. Just speak the message and it is delivered.


Google with the Google glass

I think this is the most interesting feature of Google glass. For the geeks and people in habit of googling things a lot, there can’t be a better device as it allows you to search for anything of your interest. Most people uses web search to get answer of a difficult question, query or anything but sometimes the place and situation in not the right to do so .But Google glass has made it easier than ever. If you have struck in a question than just ask it on the glass and it will search the web and come out with the answer. The answer will be displayed on the glass screen. Search for images, where, who, how …etc. 


Google glass will show you the right way

Imagine you are driving to a certain place but don’t know its exact location. What to do? Just give the command to the Google glass about the place and it will provide the source to destination path, nearby locations, establishments etc. No need of searching the web through the phone or pc before going to the area as it will be done on the way! The broadly used Google maps are incorporated into the glass.


People will see through your eyes

With live video sharing, Google glass can show the world what you are seeing-live! If you are attending a family function, some mega event, your child’s school play or a concert, you have the option to share it with your friends and family in real-time and make them a part of the experience. They will able to see, what you are seeing even if not physically present there.


Your intelligent personal Assistant to assist you

Google Now is integrated into the Google glass to help you to keep track of your daily habits, such as when you leave for work or the route you take. It will give you alternate routes if there is traffic on the way or give you weather updates periodically, among various other functions.” the right information at just the right time” which is the motto of Google now is what this device want to provide its user.


Translate the world with Google glass

When going to place with people speaking different language and not able to understand it, will make it difficult to communicate. That’s when your Google glass comes to the rescue. You simply need to ask Google Glass to translate a phrase or sentence from one language to another and it will speak that out.


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