Sony recently launched its Xperia Z Ultra in India claiming to be the slimmest full hd smartphone. It is one of the biggest handsets in the world. The new device, which has a 6.4-inch screen, has been priced at Rs 46,990 and will hit the stores on August 2. It is water and dust resistant and run on Android 4.2(Jelly bean).Thedevice has the same design language as Xperia Z smartphone and features on-screen keys as well as scratch-resistant and shatterproof glass.What makes Windows 8.1 different from others?
Key features:
* 6.4” Full HD Display
* TRILUMINOS Display with X-Reality ( Full hd 1080 PX)
* 212 gm, 6.5 mm body making it the slimmest of all smartphones.
* Fully waterproof upto 1.5 m
* quad core processor makes it 75% faster than s4 pro
* Adreno 330 GPU
* 3000 mAh battery to enhance the battery stamina x4
* 8 MP camera with Exmor RS for mobile
* HDR(high dynamic range) technology -to capture clear photos against strong back light
* NFC(Near field communication)- to enable one touch sharing
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