Wednesday, 24 July 2013

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How to keep your conatcts up to Date always?

When you work in a team, especially a bigger one, it’s quite a hassle to keep everyone’s contact up to date. Working in a team requires building a good relationship with everyone and you shall want to remain in touch with everyone who works with you. So a need arises for a good contact management app .Check out contactzilla,
it’s a contact management app that lets you keep everyone’s contact up to date and synced automatically to different devices like PCs, Smart phones , tablets etc.  And unlike other hand-outs like capsule or gist, contactzilla is absolutely free!! 


How to start adding contacts?

It’s simple, Go to the and sign up.

·         Now you can add contacts manually to your list by using the Add contact Button on the top right corner of your contactzilla account.

·         Or you can import your existing contact from a CSV file or from your social networks (Facebook, twitter etc).

·         Sink your Smartphone, tablet or PC Desktop applications with the contactzilla address book. So that if somebody at work adds or updates a contact in the office address book, or on the Contactzilla website, the whole team and all of their devices get updated straight away. Contactzilla uses CardDAV technology which is fully supported by Apple with Google and Microsoft close behind. With a simple plugin or app almost every client is supported from Outlook, Android, EM, Thunderbird, etc.

Go through all the features of the app at the official page.

The instructions for setting up an iPhone with iOS 6 to work with zillaync is provided on the website and the same process you can use with  iPad ,apple address book and other CardDAV enabled devices. The app does not directly support Android but you can sync using a CardDAV compatible application. It keeps security of your contacts and shares only those contacts which you want to. You can Change or update the information you share in 'My Contact Details' when logged into any time. ZillaSync only shares information in the Contactzilla shared address book and not information about existing contacts already in your phone.


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